01 Case show
In Kenya, Africa, the use of hydroponic forage systems not only saves water for pasture cultivation, but also continuously supplies livestock forage, which not only reduces costs, but also improves efficiency.
In the breeding process, they did not even use electricity and only used water. After only 7 days, the feed is removed from the tray and fed to the animals. Animals eat everything (i.e. roots, leaves and nuts); as a result, the hydroponic feed system is waste-free, 100% sustainable and cost-effective, resulting in significant savings in the cost of forage for livestock in Africa.
02 Case show
The indoor ranch uses an automated hydroponic forage system to realize the need to grow anytime, anywhere. It can be used after the water supply is supplied.
Hydroponic feeds based on new technologies can provide animals with high-quality supplements with high protein and energy value. Its use significantly improves the quality of the milk. In addition, it can also address animal health issues, especially on farms that use high-yielding varieties and reduce feed costs.